Chinese etiquette and respect of others is inherent in Valour Martial Arts philosophy. Therefore, it is important that these traditions and standards are upheld by all members. They are there to help the student learn discipline and self-control, they are not there for the senior grade’s ego.

1.      While in uniform, the student is a representative of the school and the Phoenix Eye Wing Tsun Association, and as such should conduct themselves accordingly.

2.      Students should respect themselves and others at all times. Inappropriate behaviour and/or language will not be tolerated.

3.      Like all martial arts, your training carries a risk. Please, therefore, ensure that you act and train in an appropriate way with awareness of your surroundings.

4.      Always address teachers by their titles never by their names.

5.      Always bow when you meet or leave a Teacher - Respect is very important in Chinese Kung Fu.

6.      If you wish to ask a question you must bow first, when the Teacher has answered bow again as a sign of saying thank you.

7.      When corrected by a teacher always bow and say thank you.

8.      Always bow to the masters and show the traditional sign of respect when you enter and when you leave the training room. This includes coming in the room from changing rooms, bathrooms etc.

9.      A student must always wear full clean uniform to every class.

10.  Ensure that you arrive promptly. If possible, you should aim to arrive 10 minutes before class begins, so you can prepare yourself. If you are late you must wait at the entrance to the training room until the Teacher/Instructor invites you to join the class.

11.  If you are late for a class, wait by the entrance until a teacher invites you in to ensure you do not disturb the class.

12.  Students should line up in the correct grade order at the beginning and end of every class.

13.  Train diligently, you must remain focused at all times and foul language must never be used.

14.  Never disrespect or argue with fellow training partners, a martial artist should always hold themselves with dignity and honour. If there is a problem, tell one of the Instructors immediately.

15.  When a teacher starts talking, students should stop training or talking immediately and listen.

16.  When class is taking place or a teacher is talking never cross your arms, have your hands on your hips or in your pockets. When sitting, the soles of your feet should not face the teacher and you should sit cross-legged. These are all insults in Chinese Kung Fu. This applies if being addressed personally or in a group.

17.  When seated and you wish to ask a question, stand up and bow when the teacher has finished answering, say thank you, bow and sit down.

18.  When collecting a diploma/certificate, always bow and then collect with both hands.

19.  In Chinese Kung Fu seating arrangements are very important. Please ensure Si-Fu is seated at the head of the table with the most senior instructors.

20.  Never criticise students of other styles or schools and you should never offend the dignity of Wing Tsun. Never insult a fellow Martial Artist or another Martial arts school for any reason.

Remember - It is both a privilege and honour to be able to represent Wing Tsun Kung Fu.
Your code of conduct should always reflect this and should never offend the dignity of Wing Tsun. A true Martial Artist should always be known for being of noble and honourable character, you must never settle for anything less.