We at Valour Martial Arts understand that costs are always an issue, especially when it comes to multiple family members. As such, we hold a standing discount offer to family groups of 10% off from the below prices when more than 2 or more members of a family joins up.
Monthly Membership Fees
Bronze = 1 Class per week - £45 p/m
Silver = 2 Classes per week - £55 p/m - Recommended
Gold = 3 Classes per week - £65 p/m
Platinum = Unlimited classes per week - £75 p/m
Signup Fee
All students pay a one-time signup fee of £60. This gives you access to our classes, seminars, gradings and other events as well as; Your first T-shirt and first years membership to the Phoenix Eye Wing Tsun Association (renewed each year for £10 - not subject to family discount) .