2025 Plan Of Action

We have some exciting updates for everyone, more on the way including our seminar and grading dates, but the year itself has ben long awaited!

Refer A Friend Incentive!

We are introducing a chance for you/your child to receive a free months training of as many lessons as they can make! Simply speak to a friend, relative, or even a kindly stranger who asks where you got your cool hoody from (shameless plug to our uniform store - “here"), get them to come in for a free trial and name-drop you. If they sign up, both they and you get a free months training of unlimited classes! 10% discount to family members still applies to all monthly fees with this offer btw.

Applies to all ages and classes and they do not need to attend the same classes as you/your child.

For Our Kids Classes

Our focus is to make the classes more fun based learning, competitions to win and ability to focus for a time. The idea is to teach them foundations of Wing Tsun with a mix of fun game-style learning and more teach-style learning to give them an understanding of good etiquette.

Little Dragons and Peaceful Warriors are still training together for now, and as the class grows we will look more into adding more classes and/or splitting up the groups to focus more on their individual needs of learning for their ages.

For our Adult and Junior classes


Sparring is going to take a more active roll in our training and the adults will be aiming to be spar one class each week. The class we do this on will change each week on a rota basis - see below - so come prepared each class!

PPE will be a requirement for grading, so please ensure you have all the equipment needed for your training level

PPE Guide - HERE

Juniors - Juniors will also be sparring this year. They have been gradually introduced already and providing they are ready to train this way, they will be more involved. Parents please remember that while we take every precaution, and more, to ensure no injuries or issues, accidents do happen. We are a martial arts school and as such, contact is unavoidable and with contact comes risk of injury. Our PPE requirements for juniors will be released separately in due course however if you wish to get a jump start, please see our current PPE for adults “here” for a guide. For now advise is to get grade one requirement first, then grade two, three and finally four, but no higher (knee and elbow pads being the last thing on the list).

If you do not wish your child to participate in sparring, please speak to Sifu directly.

Class Rotation:

Some people attend only one class per week which means they can easily miss subjects, especially if they change the class they attend. Therefore, the classes are now set to a Rota system. The focus of the class will change each week meaning that if someone were to attend a particular class each week, they would cover all areas needed each month. If they miss a class, they can still attend another but can check with Sifu the best one to catch the subject they missed. If they attend twice per week, they will cover everything twice as much - which is a recommended minimum for adults and juniors - more attendance means more practice, means more skill level. Choice is down to the student as to what they can manage and what is best for them personally. Any questions, please speak to Sifu.

Uniform Standards:

Correct colour uniforms is a requirement for grading, so please ensure you/your child has the correct coloured T-Shirt for the grade. Unless the next grade is a different colour, then wearing the black t-shirt is fine until then. Any questions, please just check with Sifu.

Uniform Page - HERE

Theme Months:

Obviously everyone needs and wants to work on their grading material, and they will be. however, the school will also be having a theme to focus on each month. Each month will be in line with a stage of learning and with it will be a focus on a particular technique or techniques so that by the end of the year, we will have covered a lot of basics to compliment the grading material. Students are encouraged to practice the theme of the month outside of classes to get the best possible result. With fight training in mind, the theme will also include a basic fighting attribute to focus on. Remember, these are all focuses, not exclusive training. We will be covering everything, just keeping these points in mind for the month.

Januarys Theme is - Foundations.

We will be building from the ground up. This means a focus on Sui Nim Tau, Leg strength, Footwork and Balance. Fighting attribute is - Speed.

So, how long can you hold a horse stance? How many punches can you throw in 10 seconds? How well do you know Sui Nim Tau?

Whatever the answer, it will be improved on by the end of January! .

Adult Class Times

Reminder that Mondays And Thursdays ADULT Classes are now 7PM & 8PM

There are no changes to any other times

As always, an questions, queries or concerns, please speak to Sifu direct. If you want to discuss you/your childs progression, go over your grading results, book privates, simply message or catch Sifu after classes.

Sif Della’s book “Fight Like A Girl” is out on all platforms!

Click HERE to order from Amazon now.

For more information on Sifu Della, Phoenix Eye or F.L.A.G - check out her bio on our instructor page here.